Cleaning a food processor before and after use is essential to maintain the food’s taste and good hygiene. The appliance makes food preparation easier in the kitchen but cleaning it can be a nightmare to most users. Food, oily residuals, and the smell of food can stick under the appliance’s blade. Therefore, proper cleaning is essential. In this article, you will learn how to clean a food processor, including how to clean food processor handle and how to assemble a food processor.
A food processor is an electric kitchen appliance with several components. Therefore, before cleaning your food processor, it is essential to know which components to clean using water and which ones to avoid. The container, blades, and lids are some appliance components that one can clean. Some food processor with chute that you can also clean.
It is essential to avoid cleaning any electric part of the food processor. However, if there is spilled food on electric components, you can use a kitchen napkin to clean the area.
Most food processor users on various online platforms wonder which way to clean a food processor . You can clean your food processor in several ways, but hand washing is the best way.
Learning the step-by-step instructions for cleaning your food processor is essential to avoid damaging some appliance components and contaminating your food items with bacteria. After using several best food processors for an extended period, we have learned the best techniques for cleaning the appliance.
What you need
- Warm water
- Soft cloth or non-abrasive scrub brush
- Mild dish soap
- Vinegar
- Dry dish towels
How to clean a food processor
Before we begin the cleaning steps, it is essential to know the type of cleaning agent to use that makes it easy to clean the food processor. Most people use dish soap, which does an outstanding job. However, dish soap cannot get rid of the odors that food leaves in the container.
Users may find it irritating to get a spicy smell from a pie crust after making the dough in the same container that had chopped onions.
The solution to this problem is vinegar. Vinegar is the best in removing any potent smell, making it an easy to clean food processor.
Therefore, vinegar mixed with a cleaning solution is the best for removing and odors in the container.
You can make a homemade cleaning solution to clean your best food processor and get better results. The formula includes:
- 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap
- Vinegar half a cup
- Two cups of water
Mix them thoroughly and use the mixture at the right step. Below is a step-by-step procedure you can use to clean your best food processor.
- Disconnect the appliance from the main power supply. Since you need to dismantle the entire unit for a thorough cleaning, it is essential to ensure that the device is not connected to power. With that, your safety and that of the appliance is a guarantee.
- Dismantle the appliance. Food processor manufacturers make the devices using several pieces that you need to put apart for thorough cleaning. Take off the top and remove the pusher unit. That will help you access the blade and the bowl. Take the two parts off the motor and separate the contents. Food particles can hide between these parts, creating a breeding ground for bacteria.
- Clean the blade. After using your best food processor, make sure that you clean your blade. That will help keep it sharp since moisture from food items and soaking can make the blade dull. It also helps prevent food from drying inside the tube attached to the blade. You can rinse the food particles easily immediately after use. Scrub the blade gently using a pad with mild soap and take care not to hurt yourself. Use a dry dishtowel to dry the blade, and make sure you do not leave any moisture behind.
- Clean the removable parts. You can use warm water with mild dish soap mixed with vinegar to clean all the removable parts of your food processor. Let them soak for some time to allow the solution to reach the hard to reach areas. Avoid using abrasive pads and cleaners to scrub the parts of your food processor. You can also use a dishwasher to clean the removable parts apart from the blade. Place the removable parts on the top rack of the dishwasher.
Most people on various online platforms wonder how to clean the food processor handle. It is essential to learn how to clean the food processor handle since users hold to it almost every time when using the appliance. Ignoring this part can cause food particles to stick at the edges of the handles, leading to odors. You can clean your food processor handle at this step using mild dish soap mixed with vinegar. Scrub the handle using a nonabrasive pad or cleaner. Cleaning the handle immediately after use minimizes the chances of food particles getting stuck at the edges.
- Dry the motor or base. Use a damp kitchen towel to wipe down the motor. Avoid pouring water or submerging the unit in water. This is because the motor is an electric component. Ensure the appliance is not connected to power. You only need a damp cloth to wipe down the area. That makes it easy to clean the food processor. If your appliance has collected stubborn stains like tomato stains, use a baking soda paste or a mild dish soap to lift out the stain.
- Rinse, dry, and assemble the appliance. Use a dry kitchen towel to dry the appliance components completely after rinsing them thoroughly. Most people are stuck after drying the pieces. Since the appliance comprises several components, it leaves some users wondering how to assemble a food processor. Some even go to the extent of googling how to assemble a food processor after several unsuccessful attempts.
How to assemble a food processor
A food processor is easy to assemble, especially if you have used the appliance’s alternatives appliance in the past. To assemble a food processor, you should take the following steps:
- Put the work bowl on the motor while holding the handle and twist the bowl until it locks in place.
- Connect the blade to the power base shaft. Rotate the blade slightly to ensure it falls into place.
- Place the work bowl cover with the feed tube to the left of the handle. Position the work bowl on the power shaft before attaching the food processor cover.